Step 2 of 2 (Don't leave this out!)Thanks for signing up to our News and Special Offers!
Choose one free gift below - either Plan Upgrade or a Silicone Medical Alert Band. (Please don't choose both as this will delay processing of your order) Choose free Platinum Plan cover
Complete and we'll upgrade your plan within 48 hours. You'll receive an email to confirm.
Choose silicone medical alert bracelet
Click below to select your options and cover shipping.
Offer terms and conditions
There are few restrictions with our 2021 offer. Offer open to anyone over 16. Offer valid only for participants using the form above and not other similar looking forms on our website. Participants do not necessarily need to have an existing You ID Me profile to take advantage of this offer though will need an active profile to benefit from the free plan upgrade. Anyone may register for a free ID profile here. After entering your details above you'll be taken to a page on this website to select a free upgrade to our Platinum Plan or a single free charcoal grey silicone medical alert bracelet. There is nothing to pay for participants selecting the free Platinum Plan upgrade. Participants' profiles will be upgraded typically within 48 hours and will remain on the Platinum Plan for 12 months or until the participant unsubscribes from our News and Offers mailing list whichever period is shorter. Shipping is not included for the free bracelet so participants will need to cover this by following the order through our store process (this is straightforward). Silicone medical alert bracelets are available in two sizes whilst stocks last. The ID number embossed onto is unique and can be activated in the usual way on the You ID Me web portal. Alternatively the ID number may be linked to an existing ID profile for a one-off nominal charge of £5.00 which can be settled during the process of paying for shipping. Effect of unsubscribing We use Aweber allowing participants to unsubscribe safely at any time. Of course, we want you to stay on our offers list so you don't miss any of our news or the great deals we have, hence the offer of a free plan upgrade or free physical gift. Free gifts are conditional on participants remaining on the News and Offers list. Why? Sadly from time to time an individual will sign-up merely to take the 'free' part of the offer and then not do 'their bit' of remaining on the list - they unsubscribe following the receipt of the gift. So in the interests of full transparency before sign-up here is the process for any case where a participant unsubscribes within 12 months after taking: