Medical ID Products for People with AutismAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism as it is often shortened to is a medical condition that affects communication skills, social interaction and understanding, personal interests and behaviour.
Children with autism usually have symptoms that are apparent before the age of three. However diagnosis can be difficult before this time. It's estimated that about 1 in 100 people in the United Kingdom has autism. More males are affected than are females. Though a "cure" is not an option for an individual with autismtherapies such as speech, language and occupational therapy, educational support, plus a number of other interventions are available to help children and parents and others affected by the condition. Autism is so varying and complex that we'd recommend sourcing detail from trustworthy information channels such as NHS UK. It's a good idea for anyone with autism to carry emergency medical ID - so that in case of an accident or an emergency the emergency services become aware quickly and can deal with the person sensitively. Autistic Medical ID BraceletOther Emergency ID Products for People with Autism |
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