Multiple Scleroris InformationMultiple sclerosis or MS as it is abbreviated is a medical condition which can affect the brain and/or spinal cord. The condition causes a wide range of different symptoms which can include functional mobility problems, vision issues and problems with sensation (physical feeling) or balance.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic lifelong condition where the symptoms may range from mild through to serious disability. Many people with MS are able to receive treatment for their symptoms. It's estimated that there are more than 100,000 people diagnosed with MS in the UK. The life expectancy is slightly shorter than average. Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is most common between the ages of twenty and thirty years of age although it is possible for MS to begin at any stage in life. Women have a greater risk of developing multiple sclerosis than men. Multiple Sclerosis: Recommended Emergency ID ProductsOn Sale On Sale ULTIMATE Emergency Identity ID Card
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