ULTIMATE Emergency ID Card That 'TALKS' To Emergency Services. The new ultimate emergency ID card from You-iD.me has a distinctive look about it; if you think it looks pretty powerful you'd be right. This is the only personalised ID card in the world that allows the emergency services 4 great methods of identifying the carrier.
What this means is that in the event of an emergency, your ultimate emergency ID card lets emergency services or first person on scene to QUICKLY identify you, your next of kin, your medical conditions, your medications and any other information which you deem as important. It's the most effective card ever to have been created in our opinion because it allows paramedics access to ALL your life-saving information from ANY connected device,,,, anywhere in the world. For more information and pricing please visit the ULTIMATE Emergency ID Card information page. "Last year the Apple iPhone 6 joined the majority of smartphones by containing an NFC controller. However, at the moment, this new iPhone is locked down only to the Apple Pay mobile payment system. This means that iPhone 6 users are unable to take advantage of the massive potential of NFC through apps, tags and communication. Despite this, in the 72 hours following it's launch, a million credit cards had been registered with Apple Pay - an indication of the popularity from Apple's user base. Since launch, we've been asked many times if an when Apple will open up access to the NFC controller and what difference it would make to the market. In answer to the first part - we simply don't know. Most commentators, including RapidNFC, believe that they will (and that it will be able to scan tags) but when is a different point. As for what difference it would make, let's consider what will happen if the iPhone's NFC controller is opened up and allowed to function with NFC tags and applications." Credit the above from RapidNFC (no point in reinventing the wheel!). SMART ID WRISTBANDS WHAT THAT MEANSIt still means that you are still 4 times more likely to be assisted by someone with a Smartphone that IS compatible with your SMART emergency ID wristband because 80% of the market (at the time of writing) uses a Smartphone with the Android, Blackberry or Windows operating system.
It would be poor judgement not to go SMART simply because you have an iPhone or because you're an advocate of Apple. We say go SMART now. At the end of the day you have to remember why you are buying the wristband. Your health or the health of a loved one, perhaps child safety, running or riding solo... Aren't the odds worth the £5 more you pay for the SMART ID Bracelet?
If your ID wristband isn't a SMART ID Wristband then it's...erm... not so smart. Check out the very latest SMARTPHONE readable identity wristbands from You-iD.me.
ID wristbands have improved in terms of the amount of information they can hold but how do they work and what are the options? Here is a quick overview of the options with links to further information on each. SMART ID EMERGENCY IDENTITY WRISTBANDS
SMART ID means the bracelet has an embedded RFID tag which carries all the wearer's vital information. It allows the tag to be read by most smartphones which is good news in the event of an emergency since most people own a smart device now.
Because your info is stored electronically it takes almost no space, so you can include all the really important things that you would want to say to a paramedic if you were able to. No more limited space with tiny illegible handwriting on a little ID card - now you really can include it all - there is no limit to what can be held. Pros: It's fast! Your information is displayed in seconds. Works with most smartphones Cons: Not currently compatible with Apple iphone due to their NFC controller being 'locked down' (Boooo Apple!) Watch video demonstration below and learn more about SMART EMERGENCY ID Wristbands CODED ID EMERGENCY IDENTITY BRACELETS
CODED ID means that the ID card enclosed inside the wristband has a unique code that emergency services may use to access the wearer's vital information. They may use a Smartphone or a computer (desktop, laptop or tablet) to access your emergency identity profile.
Pros: Works with every smartphone on the planet with an internet connection. Cons: The service has a small monthly charge Watch video demonstration below and learn more about CODED EMERGENCY ID Wristbands You-iD.me is a range of SMART ID products for those who need to carry emergency ID. Our range was launched in January this year and we have been no less than astounded by the response from the public.
Interestingly the idea came about when we were tinkering with ideas for GoalBand and how to make it an even greater diet and weight-loss motivation than it already is. Without going into the detail the light-bulb moment came as we realised that our existing lines of emergency medical ID wristbands and Sport ID wristbands could REALLY do with utilizing the idea that we were proposing for GoalBand. So we did the following: - solved the problem of limitation from every other emergency ID wristband 'out there' let people carry unlimited information on their wrists offer the service mostly for free - after purchasing a wristband ... it took off in a very big and rapid way. And now we are the largest supplier of Medical emergency ID wristbands in the UK. This blog is therefore to track the progress we make - yes we're still learning on a daily basis how best to serve this incredible market. Cliche though it sounds, we really are refining our processes on a weekly basis and fine tuning everything that we do. What we do is very good, but it can always always be better. We're also working on some incredible new technology identity products that you may want to hang around to learn about. Please share, post, comment, kick-off etc. Otherwise what good is this blog to anyone? |
About usWe're a small team working hard to ensure that carrying ID is secure, easy and affordable for our customers. Archives
January 2025