True story. Bunny the Sheep was inspired by a call from a farmer who asked if You ID Me could help with sheep that ocassionally go missing. We think he'd been searching for sol-ewe-tions online and had inadvertantly found You ID Me.
So we've turned the chuckle into I suppose a little mascot that we hope will become popular as a light-hearted bit of fun. Stick it on your fridge, care, case or anywhere else you care. Get your's free more here. ^lc Walkalone lets your contacts know you're in danger, you're scared or you don't feel safe and it provides your location. Walkalone is a unique personal safety service provided by You ID Me Platinum. Walkalone puts a simple yet powerful emergency alert button in the centre of your phone screen to use if ever you're in danger, scared or need urgent help. The button triggers alerts to your registered emergency contacts and shows them your location using Google Maps. Walkalone can be used by anyone that carries a phone. It's designed in case they:
Who is Walkalone for?The Walkalone personal safety tool is for anyone that carries a mobile phone; women and girls, men and boys, of any age. The original idea for Walkalone was for the creation of a tool to help keep lone females safe. It was triggered by the horrific abduction and murder case of Sarah Everard in March 2021 by off duty Met Police Officer Wayne Couzins - interest and use of Walkalone is divided across gender and all ages, highlighting the need for a personal safety alert tool. How does Walkalone work?
Is Walkalone accurate?
Does Walkalone work everywhere?Testing has been carried out across the UK. Due to SMS restrictions in other parts of the world it's strongly advised to that users check first to see if your / your emergency contacts' mobile phones have been registered in any country outside of the UK. It's imperative that users test the Walkalone tool as soon as it is made live on your profile to satisfy yourself that the service works with your mobile network and the mobile network of your emergency contacts. What is the cost of Walkalone?Walkalone is included with non-duiscounted Platinum Plan memberships when paid by monthly or annual direct debit.
Until December 2022, existing Platinum Plan members can add Walkalone to their plan at the discounted price of £23.88/year. Start here to get Walkalone. Example: How this saves money for existing members? If a member has taken up a discounted Platinum Plan at £12/year later adds Walkalone to their plan for £23.88.00 they still save £24 on the full price of Platinum Plan. Throughout the many conversations that we've had with 1000's of customers, the throny issue of life assurance for people with medical conditions often crops up. A chance conversation and Zoom meeting with a London based tech start-up in the life assurance arena got us thinking even harder about our members' needs in this regard. The new company will specialise in providing fast, economical life assurance quotes for people with type 2 diabetes. Though they're not quite up and running their specialist type two diabetic life assurance algorithm looks set to be offer substantial benefits to people living with type two diabetes that are looking for life assurance cover. But it's not just diabetics that struggle to get reasonable quotes for life assurance cover. You ID Me is used by people with almost every medical condition that you can think of and of course multiple medical conditions. Many of you have put off the idea of life assurance due to historic high quotes on premiums, point-blank refusals or hearsay; those water cooler type conversations that would have you think that life assurance is a waste of time pursuing. Well think again. The future is bright. We've teamed up with a preferred expert in life assurance for people with medical conditions that actively and independently search the entire UK field to source the very best fit for your personal circumstances. Their aim is to serve you by securing quick and plain English decisions back without the pain of ridiculous quotes or long waits for a decision. Sound good? Hold on there's more! Life assurance policies often come with a raft of other benefits that can be used throughout the life of the policy. For example: -
Additionally, for every successful life assurance plan taken out through our preferred supplier referral scheme we'll put you on our safest ID plan - Platinum with Alerts - free for life, saving you £59.88 a year. A significant benefit in itself meaning in the event of an emergency your contacts phone will be alerted to let them know you have a problem. So if you don't currently have life assurance, perhaps because of a previous high quote or even a refusal, you and your family are missing out on a nice range of benefits and ultimately peace of mind. Let us help you find the perfect policy for you by referring your interest through to our preferred professionals. They will use their knowledge and expertise to scour the UK market - leaving no stone left unturned - to find the best possible solution to your individual needs. I'm excited to announce that we've instructed our developers to move forward with Walkalone v1.0. It's a new service that will help protect women, and men, and children that become vulnerable whilst alone without support.
The development of the application has been catalyzed by the recent tragic case of Sarah Everard who was abducted and murdered by off-duty police officer Wayne Couzens, whilst she was walking home alone. The service will allow users to 'arm' their mobile device and hit a button to discreetly send emergency alerts to selected contacts to let them know they're in danger, feel scared or unsafe. Importantly alerts will carry location data taken at the precise moment alerts are triggered. Men are almost always the perpetrators in attacks on women. The statistics on attacks against women in the UK are appalling. Three women are killed by men in the UK every week. In the year that ended March '20, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculated that some 4.9 million women had been victims of a sexual assault. This figure included around 1.4 million who had been raped or had faced an attempted rape. In total, 98.5% of the rapists were identified as men. It's my firm belief that we shouldn't need to be providing women with tools or 'advice' to deal with the mistreatment, behavior and attacks that they encounter from men; the change should come from the men. However until such a dramatic shift in the conscience and behavior of perpetrators takes place I think we should do whatever is necessary to protect the lives and health of potential victims. Walkalone is just one small way that could help and , just like I said some years ago when I created You ID Me for my then twenty-two year old daughter,,, if it helps save the life of just one person that that will be worth all the effort. Initially the service will be trialed by existing users of the You ID Me emergency ID and alert service. To learn more and be first to know when Walkalone is launched register for Walkalone updates. You can now email a copy of your emergency ID profile from your You ID Me dashboard.
You can use this handy new function now to email a copy of your emergency ID profile to anyone you choose, such as your GP, specialist, consultant or even your emergency contacts, so that they have sight of what you have included in your profile. It's really quick and easy and here's how to do it: Your You ID Me profile QR Code provides a fast direct link to your emergency ID profile from any mobile device with a QR app on it. Many devices have a QR reading app on them as standard. Just start the app. Point your device camera at your QR and your profile will show within a second. Easy. You can do a lot with your QR code. Make one or multiple simple emergency ID cards to carry on you. Keep it behind the sun visor in your car. Give it to consultants, doctors, nurses etc. I personally like how it provides an element of privacy in that my medical condition isn't blatantly on show, though it's accessible in an emergency within a second. So how do you get yours? It's simple. Just watch the video below . It'll take you two minutes. BFN ^LC IN this short video Lee announces what's new in the latest round of updates to the You ID Me Emergency Medical ID and Contact Alert System... Some ID profiles will soon be deleted from You ID Me.
It’s been almost six years since the last major update to You ID Me when we upgraded the service allowing users more control over their emergency ID profile. If your ID profile predates March 2016, you should read this important notification. If you didn’t respond to emails sent to you back in 2016 inviting you to migrate to our new service, your profile still remains on the original server and, has not been updated in over five years. There may be the odd exception to this - please read FAQ below. We’re rolling out the next major upgrade to the You ID Me service very soon and we'll delete any profile that hasn’t been logged into / updated since March 2016 or earlier. Though you won't receive any further notification about this you may choose to take action to have your ID number migrated to our new service. If you wish to do this please see the frequently asked questions below. Frequently Asked Questions Why is this being done? You ID Me has grown and evolved since it was created. It has many thousands of active users continuing to increase daily. Your emergency ID profile is considered outdated; it has been hosted without being updated for more than five years. You don’t have the facility to update your profile and we no longer offer to update emergency ID profiles on behalf of customers. Will my emergency ID profile be deleted? Receiving this email indicates that your emergency ID profile predates March 2016 and/or hasn’t been updated for over five years, and therefore will be deleted with the 2021 update. You may double-check to satisfy yourself whether your ID profile will be deleted by following the instructions below. How do I double-check if my ID profile will be deleted?
URL Rule When your emergency ID profile is shown look at your browser’s location / address bar (the URL) If the URL does not contain the word 'users' like this example: (where xxxxxxxxxxxx is your ID number) this means that your ID is on the old service and will be deleted with the new 2021 update. If the URL does contain the word 'users' is like this example: (where xxxxxxxxxxxx is your ID number) this means that your ID is on our current server and will not be deleted with the new 2021 update. My ID is due to be deleted but I still want it. What do I do? Your profile will be deleted with the new update. You may apply to have your current ID number added to the new service and enjoy all latest functionality by selecting one of the options below. There is a charge for doing so. How do I apply? There is an admin fee of £10 for your ID number to be added to the new service. This admin fee is being wavered for those signing up to You ID Me Platinum Annual Plan which - currently £12 per year by direct debit. What happens if I don't apply to have my ID migrated? In all cases your ID profile will be deleted, so if you do not apply to have your ID number included with the 2021 update then you'll simply no longer have an emergency ID profile with You ID Me once your profile has been deleted. I want to keep my profile but I need to update it You'll need to apply for us to add your existing ID number to the new service. See How do I apply? above for details. If your application is accepted you'll need to re-activate your ID number on the new service when prompted. When will profiles be deleted? Profiles will be deleted on or shortly after 1st August 2021. The new emergency medical ID necklace from You ID Me is a beautiful, highly polished stainless steel pill shaped barrel pendant with military style ball chain. This is a superb choice of medical alert necklace for men or women.
The barrel unscrews to reveal a waterproof label on which is printed with your unique You ID Me reference number. This is the number that triggers alerts to your emergency contacts' mobile phone/s if you are on the Platinum plan. The label can also be printed with your medical condition to provide an at a glance awareness of your overarching medical condition. The machining of the pendant is high quality; the twisting action is smooth and effortless... just what's needed in case of emergency. A red staff of life features on the barrel too indicating to any first responder that further emergency details can be found inside. The ball chain that accompanies this pendant has a ball chain connector and is 21" / 53cm long. We're delighted to announce we've agree in principle with developers a 'basket of features' that are going to be included in a major update to You ID Me coming in 2021.
The upgrade which is expected by Summer will add new functionality, fresh features and a brand new look for our users. We can't wait to tell you more about this. Keep your eyes peeled and sign up to us socially to receive the latest snippets, developments and updates as we approach what is looking like an incredible direction for You ID Me. Back in 2014 we began with a single medical ID user on a static website. It’s been almost six years since the last major update to You ID Me when we upgraded the service allowing users more control over their emergency ID profile. To stay tuned of the latest developments and be invited to beta test the new platform and again,,, be sure to follow us socially. |
About usWe're a small team working hard to ensure that carrying ID is secure, easy and affordable for our customers. Archives
January 2025